Wireless sensor nodes

Advantech introduces the WISE-4000 family of wireless sensor nodes. Using the technology of Wi-Fi networks, mobile networks and long range (LoRa) and low power geographical networks (WAN), called LPWAN, Advantech has developed three types of wireless sensor nodes: integrated (WISE-4200 series), high performance class IP65 (WISE-4400 series) and solar charging (WISE-4600 series).

The integrated sensor nodes provide specific data collection, wireless transmission and power supply capabilities for applications in industrial and outdoor environments. With its range of compact, easy-to-integrate wireless sensor nodes for factories, data centres, CNC machine tools, food production facilities, irrigation systems and renewable energy applications, Advantech aims to accelerate the development and implementation of the Internet of Things.

The WISE-4200, WISE-4400 and WISE-4600 series sensor nodes support the most widespread communication protocols (MQTT and REST), facilitating integration with higher-level management systems and cloud platforms. Since no additional devices are required for gateway functionality, users can save on hardware and benefit from the advantages of a simplified IoT architecture.

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