Collaborative mobile robots on display

For the first time, Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR) will take part in MecSpe’s Motek trade show. Here, it will be possible to see in action two of its autonomous mobile robots, the MiR200 and the MiR500. MiR’s mobile robots automate internal transport, optimising workflows and making staff available for more valuable tasks, thus helping to increase productivity and reduce costs.

The MiR200 can carry loads of up to 200 kg and move at speeds of up to 1 m/s. In addition, thanks to the MiRHook solution, the top module designed by MiR and also on show at the fair, the robot is able to tow pallet trucks and forks to increase its load up to 500 kg. The MiR500, the largest and most powerful version of MiR’s mobile robots, reaches speeds of up to 1.2 m/s and can carry loads of up to 500 kg.
“This is the first trade fair in Italy where we participate with our own stand and we are enthusiastic about it. It will be an excellent opportunity for us to inform about the full potential of our robots, from their flexibility up to their ease of use”, said Davide Boaglio, Area Sales Manager for Italy.

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