Time goes by…

by Fausto Villa, Presidente FEDERTEC

It is often hard to realise, but time is a very important element in our lives. Sometimes it feels as though it never passes, other times it seems to fly by. What is certain is that it has always been flowing for everyone, inexorably; that is precisely why it should not be wasted. In the end, what really counts is not the number of years of our lives, but the life we have been living in those years. Since 12 September 2019, when I was appointed FEDERTEC President, time has been blowing away; three years have passed, and with the next assembly on 28 June, the last turnaround begins, the last year of my office before the elections of the new FEDERTEC governance. In these three years we have worked hard, facing all the difficulties involved in building the organisational and ethical foundations dictated by coming together: ASSIOT, ASSOFLUID and FNDI. We have understood the importance of a dynamic Governance composed of capable professionals who have time to devote to a process of associative enhancement and passion, pursuing the principles and rules beyond the ethical and deontological aspects. 

We also realised how important it is to improve the work of the entire secretariat, the commissions (Marketing & Communication – Economic – Technology & Innovation – Internationalisation & Networking), the working groups, coordinated by our Vice Presidents, without whom we could never achieve our goals. It is right to give importance and autonomy to their role. In the same way, we have realised how important and fundamental it is to enhance the abilities of individual members who are so keen to fulfil themselves professionally. and ethics dictated by coming together: ASSIOT, ASSOFLUID and FNDI. We have understood the importance of a dynamic Governance composed of capable professionals who have time to devote to a process of associative enhancement and passion, pursuing the principles and rules beyond the ethical and deontological aspects.  It has been a tough three years, amidst the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, the absurdity of a war… we still cannot see the end of it all. In spite of everything, these have been years lived with enthusiasm, a desire to grow, a collaborative spirit and a lot of friendship that I did not expect. Just as in companies, in associations there will always be problems and we will always strive to solve them. The spirit is the right one and I am very optimistic for the future, I strongly believe in teamwork: an opportunity to share knowledge, skills, different predispositions. In a group everyone brings their skills and resources to the table and the end result will certainly always be better than the sum of the individual skills. 

So, what can be done to improve team spirit? The subject is a tough one and makes experts debate. What is certain is that there are no golden rules. Every group should be allowed to find its natural balance spontaneously. Sometimes this may mean electing a leader and ensuring control, at other times leaving each member free to govern themselves. The important thing is to ensure that everyone can express themselves as best they can. Thanks to all the fellow travellers who will complete this journey by my side… until FEDERTEC Assembly 2023. Coming together was a beginning, Staying together is progress, Working together is and will be a success, we will continue in our mission.